Sunday 30 October 2011

The Most Dangerous Side Effects Of Sheesha or Hukka.

SHEESHA a very common drug derived from Turkey spreading like fire in South Asia and ruinning the lives of younger generations! Its a poisionous drug with alchol added designed like a HUQQA to make it easy to infuse inside your body! SHEESHA has become a common feature in our Pakistani society! Our young generation is diving into this deadly posion! We can say its just like any harmful drug! Parents and young generation of Pakistan hardly know the side effects of this drug! Our young generation who are....

Saturday 29 October 2011

Top 7 reasons Why do We Smoke Cigarettes?

Today we are discussing about an interesting topic, Which is about Smoking cigrattes. We will discuss that what are the reasons behind this that being knowing of the side effects of Smoking cigrattes, We happily smoke cigrattes. All of us knows that Smoking Ciggrates are the leading cause of cancer and death from cancer. It causes cancers of the lung, esophagus, larynx, mouth, throat, kidney, bladder, pancreas, stomach, and cervix, as well as acute myeloid leukemia. Smoking also causes heart disease, stroke, aortic aneurysm (a balloon-like bulge in an artery in the chest),.. 

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Top 10 best Maintenance Tips for Laptops

Hy friends as you know its wish of every person to have a best laptop. But you should know that you can use laptop in better way if you act upon these Tips i am going to tell you. I m sure if you act upon my advices you can improve the Performace of your laptop.
Heat and contrast of temperatures are serious tests for your laptop. To save your laptops in the conditions of hot summer and to prevent loss of the valuable data, use my Tips....

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Skype is now Integrated with Facebook

Skype has informed about the new version of an IP-telephony and video calls for Windows. Also, the new Skype 5.0 will integrate with Facebook. Now, messages of Facebook will be imported to telephone directory of Skype users...

Top 10 Important tips for bloggers

As u all friends know that now a days blogging is the newer trend for making money online and it is very easy way to promote youself and your qualities infront of the whole world. Before making a blog you must know about these tips i m going to introduce. These tips and tricks will help you a lot in making your blog the best blog of the world and most entertaining blog. Also you can rank your blog higher in search engines like Google, Yahoo and many more. Furthermore u can also rank higher in Alexa

Samsung Galaxy S II The most thin smartphone in the World

 Hy friends today we are talking about World most thin smart phone. This is Samung Galaxy SII which we are going to discuss.Samsung Galaxy S II have a real small thickness: 8,49 mm. As is informed in the official press release, it's the most thin smartphone in the World. Galaxy S II will work under control of Google Android 2.3.

Saturday 15 October 2011

Top 10 best ways to get keywords in your inbound linking text

Creating keyword rich content goes well beyond writing a few articles for your site.Search engine optimization is a discipline which can be used in every corner of your website, including inbound and outbound links. In this article we show you just how easy it is to boost your search engine rankings simply by building keyword rich links. To rank well in search engine results you need to score well on both ‘on the page’ and ‘off the page’ factors. On the page factors are about what is on your own pages............

Friday 14 October 2011

How to Add Free Automatic Backlinks Generator to Your Blog And Website

Backlinks are the backbones of highly visible and well-ranked websites and blogs. A backlink generator is a resource that SEO professionals, individuals and businesses can use to systematically build free backlink after free backlink. Backlinks are links that connect websites and blogs to other websites and blogs.

Thursday 13 October 2011

Amazing Ferrari Mobile Phone

This seemingly toy-ish Ferrari is in fact a cellphone. The dialing pad is located underneath the car where the axle should be. The idea is interesting.
So before you go spend $400,000 on a Ferrari, consider copping the car-shaped F1 Phone instead. It looks like an official ’Rari phone, even if it is made by some questionable.....

Arc Touch Mouse - A new Mouse from Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft is about to release a new mouse based on its BlueTrack advanced optics technology.
It's not official until Microsoft says it is, but the image below of the rumored Microsoft Arc Touch Mouse was just snagged off a German online store. Amazingly, the mouse arches its back for comfortable mousing before packing flat for easy transport. The mouse features touch-scrolling, a battery indicator,........

Best 5 easy SEO tips to Get more Traffic from Google and others.

Hy Friends i think you dont know how much Traffic your Blog or website get from Google and other Search Engines. If you want to know check your  Google Analytics reports. I am thinking Google sends a fair amount of readers your way. The more Google-friendly your site is, then, the more likely it is that a link to one of your fabulous posts will catch a prospective reader's eye. Here are five things--painless, easy-to-do things--that every blogger should do to optimize her/his site for search engines (SEO)...

Saturday 8 October 2011

How To Add The New Facebook Like This Share Icon To Your Blog Posts

Facebook have just made a simple Like Button available for bloggers and webmasters.The Like Button or Icon will be a great help in the effort to get readers sharing your posts on Facebook.Social networks and social bookmarking sites are constantly coming up with ways to make it easier for people to share the content they find online with their friends.From Twitter to Digg and Facebook to Stumble Upon there are lots of buttons and icons available on blogs, news

How to make Bold Red Drop Down Menu For Blogger Just Using CSS


Today I am going to tell you something special that is very special for your blog and it is the method of how to create  a bold red drop down menu for your blog by using CSS. This menu uses the more conventional style of a vertical drop down to display links.It has a large bold red on grey color scheme that stands out and looks great.As with the last menu it's built purely from Css using just two images.Below you can see the screenshot and a live demo to see it in

Sunday 2 October 2011

Top 7 Features of Google Analytics which I Love

I love using Advanced Segments in Google Analytics. Sure, you can export a big chunk of data to Excel and then use some Excel wizardry to clean up the data and display it in different ways, but what if you just need to get a quick snapshot of certain traffic or trends, but the default segments don't go far enough? I've put together a few of my favorite Google Analytics Advanced Segments for you, so that you can add them to your own Analytics and use them as you need.

Top 3 tips for How to Attract Traffic to your Blog

Search engine optimization (SEO) has been the hot topic in all areas of the blogosphere for years now. Now that creating and maintaining a blog has become fairly simple, bloggers and wannabe bloggers are all about getting readers and creating traffic. While there are dozens and dozens of tips and tricks to mastering SEO available on the web, these three tips are simple and often overlooked.

One of the most important aspects of optimizing your blog is learning to link intelligently. This is an area that people have