
Sunday, 12 August 2012

3 Top Blogging Tips To Increase Traffic

Hy Friends, Today i am going to tell you the 3 Most important Blogging tips to increase your blog traffic by three times. As you know its dream of every blogger to get more and more traffic for his blog. There are so many posts on internet about increasing traffic but their methods are so  difficults and time consuming. Most of them say to SEO your blog posts which is also time consuming way to get traffic. Today i will tell you the top 3 easy way to increase your blog traffic with a few effort and i am sure you will like this post if you are a true person
, who want to increase his traffic. These are the Top 3 tips:

1. Blogging and Facebook
Some of us bloggers don't even know about the Google changes and how it affected a lot of blogs and websites. Good thing we blog because we want to and we have great contents! One of the things that is in today is the social network and Google loves great contents plus social media interaction.

It will help your blog a lot to gain more traffic if you have a Facebook page. Yes, everyone has a Facebook account so make use of this for your blog. Sign up for a Facebook account and create a page for your blog. Use the same name as your blog so that there won't be any confusion that that page is for your blog.
Promote your posts in your Facebook page, interact with followers and like other pages with the same interest as you. Before you know it, steady traffic will come to your blog from your Facebook page.
2. Inter-link your Posts
Make use of interlinking your posts, This means linking your current post to your old post to promote them. This is a good way to get your other posts viewed. As you know, old posts after a couple weeks are forgotten and your readers would move on to the more up to date and current posts. However, do not overdo this. Make sure your interlinks are related and not just interlinked just for the sake of it. This way, your readers will be grateful because they are getting useful information. 
3. Use Tweeter to Revive your Old Posts
Not all blog posts have the same visits or interests and once you create a new blog post, most probably, your old posts will be forgotten. To revive them and help you from having to create new contents all the time, share them in twitter. Tweet an old post to your followers there but make sure that it is relevant for the time period.
As you can see, the above are not really hard to do and will not take a long time to do but they are proven effective in increasing traffic and views to your blog.


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