Hy Friends Due to many Request from my Friends. Today i going to tell you something special that is How to make your computer work Fast. This is the main problem of today Computers operator that there PCs are going to slow down. So after reading in detail about this issue i came to know the facts which make your PCs slow down. And its my humble advice to work upon my advice and i hope you will get better result.
There are many things that can make your PCs slow. But the main thing that i have noted i listed below that will help you better to make your PCs work fast.When you buy a new system all you know is that it won’t make you go crazy like the previous one but now as you start installing different software in it, it starts giving you problems. The slow performance issue can be resolved by taking a few steps that will make your PC
work faster. In my Last Post I tell you how to maintain your laptop Performace
1 Empty Recycle Bin :
Be sure to delete all your files from recycle bin, you might forgot some files that you have inside there, now be the men and “empty the Recycle bin”
2 Delete Temporary Files :
Temporary files include the many unwanted files that are stored in your computer’s memory. These unwanted files only take your computer’s memory space and they are of no use. So it is better to remove those files to enhance your system’s performance.
3 Disk Defragmentation:
Whenever you install any software in your computer, it doesn’t save in a sorted manner, so you need to run the defragmentation tool. De-fragment your C partition so your hard disk is working faster with more space on C partition, you should actually do this every few weeks it’s good for your computer.
4 Remove Unwanted Desktop Shortcuts:
Somebody are saying that this is a myth but the others agree with me, you better not have your desktop covered with shortcuts from programs games etc that you are not using. emove them and you will see the effect that your computer boost.
5 Use Antivirus Program:
Spyware and viruses always effect negatively on your computer system. It interferes in the computer’s operations to be performed and yeah they also occupy a lot of your computer’s memory.Install some antivirus and anti malware program and keep it updated cause you never know what is praying behind any internet site.
6 Ready Boost Your System:
ReadBoost is a new concept of adding memory to a system like a flash volatile memory USB stick. As it helps us improve the performance of our computer by adding additional space. If you are using windows 7 or windows vista then you can use it right away.
7 Cut down the Startup Programs:
Use console win taster + r and type msconfig and Cut down the not necessary startup programs because no matter if you are using them or not, they still make the CPU work more, and hence your PC slows down. So remove the unwanted startup programs and your computer will be back in action.
8 Drivers Up gradations:
If your computer has corrupted drivers then it can be the reason of the slow performance of your system. So you need to update your drivers because it will increase the performance of your system.
9 Repair Disk Errors:
You can use the error repair utility available in your operating system and optimize the performance of your system by checking the integrity of the files that are stored in your drive. Scan for the bad sectors because they are the reason that our computer slows down.
10 Carefully Use Wallpapers:
Wallpapers are also the cause of slowing down your PC. They slow your whole system down, So if you are willing to compromise, have a basic Plain one wallpaper instead
And the best but not the least instal cc Cleaner it will help you do 80% of the stuff above and you will be more than happy with it’s performance
If a PC is really slow, the basic operation we have to do is defragment the drive and delete unwanted data. This is the primary thing to do.