
Friday, 16 September 2011

Top 10 Reasons Why Women Cheat on Their Husbands

The reality is that more and more women are now unfaithful to their husbands than ever before. This does not however mean that more women are now unfaithful than men as men still continue to lead in that line. Women have been known to be more monogamous than men although the trend has changed over the years. While men have always had more than one woman at a time, women have been known to have just one sexual partner practically all their lives. There are many reasons why a woman would cheat on her husband..
, here are the top ten reasons.

1- Little sex

Usually a couple spends a lot of time fooling around in the first couple of days but this slowly reduces as responsibilities and children enter the picture. After a couple has children then they get so worked up during the day that all they want to do at night is sleep. Well your woman wants to feel attractive and appreciated so unless you want her to get the attention from somewhere else, make sure you kiss her, cuddle and by all means have good sex.

2- The Bad Girl Syndrome

This is the same reason why men cheat on their wives, the desire to be the bad girl. Your wife probably wants to be the bad girl that she was not in her teenage years and will start to lose weight, get new friends or listen to a different kind of music.

3- Self Esteem Booster

The fact that someone else other than you loves and appreciates her will ultimately make her feel more beautiful and loveable. If you are not giving her enough attention and appreciation then she will ultimately find other avenues to feel good about herself.

4- As a Tool for Revenge

Women have a way of remembering all the bad things you have done in the years you have been married. Yu do not necessarily have to have been unfaithful to her, it could be anything you did. She just wants you to feel the way she did when you hurt her.

5- Lack of Intimacy

Women value intimacy a whole lot. It does not matter how many gifts you buy her, you have to be intimate with her. For a woman, there is more to intimacy than sex, for her it is in how you value her input into the relationship so be sure to spend quality time with her.

6- Lack of Appreciation

A woman naturally has many roles in a household. She is the chef, the house keeper and the babysitter. To be able to do all these, she will need you t treat her right. Do not treat her like your house help but rather your girlfriend or wife.

7- Lack of Emotional Support

Women have been known to be emotional beings. The moment she feels like you are emotionally unavailable then she goes out there to look for some emotional attachments elsewhere.

8- Boredom in the Bedroom

Sex, like any other activity becomes very boring when done over and over again. If you are always having sex with your girlfriend in he same position every now and then, she is bound to get bored.

9- A Way Out

Chances are your woman is tired of the relationship and wants to move on. This is the only way for her out of the relationship and saves her the emotions that come with an actual breakup.

10- You Cheated on Her

She may have said she forgave you for cheating on her but the truth is she will cheat on you just to feel she has given you a taste or your own medicine.

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